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European Day of Languages 2024: Year 4 A

 Hi everyone,

Year 4 students have designed their congratulations cards for European Day 2024.

We are also learning some tongue twisters in different languages.

Here you can see some of them:

We want to join the campaign "Languages for Peace". And you?

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European Day of Languages: "Languages in my classroom"

 Hello everyone,

When is European Day of Languages celebrated?

Wha do we celebrate?

What type of activities are there?

When was the first European Day of Languages?

How may European Languages are there?

Which language is the most widely spoken langauge?

Watch this video and answer these questions.

The motto last year for "European Day of Languages" was "Languages in my classroom".

What is the motto this year? Due to war on the European continent as well as conflicts on Europe's doorstep this year is "Languages for peace". 

They want to focus how languages can play a role in the process of achieving and maintaining peace for the generations come.

Would you like to participate?

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European Day of Langauges: LANGUAGES FOR PEACE

 Hello everyone,

Would you like to make a poster Language for Peace

Let's learn some Language Facts.

The Council of Europe Education (pic bellow) want to know this:













Let's celebrate European Day of Languages together.




We speak three languages: two are official, Spanish and Valencian, and one is a foreign language, English. We also learn French as a second language in High School.

Happy European Day of Languages.

Feliz Día Europeo de las Lenguas.

Feliç Día Europeo de les Llengües.

Do you know how to say hello in different languages: Let's find out.

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